Author Archives: admin

The Hand Of The Originator

The originator must have a great fund of enthusiasm, and an ambition to add something to the general fund of human development for the benefit of the world at large, and, that he may reap some personal compensation, or enjoyment, he must have an intense love of close communion with nature, causing him to admire […]

The Five Types of Lenoir (Black Spanish)

Fairhaven has expanded its famous collection to include all five of the existing types of Lenoir. These types are the original Lenoir (Black Spanish or more correctly the Blue French), the Favorite (a hybrid of Herbemont and Lenoir), the Herbemont (the Brown French), the Jaquez, and the Rulander (Lousinana Bourquiniana). This extraordinary group of vines […]

The “Vine Crank”

“After educating myself for the work and making such extensive preparation for the origination of varieties, which were essential to vineyard culture, to enable it to fill its entire sphere, few persons regarded my effort otherwise than that of a “crank”, and often I have heard myself mentioned as the “vine crank” This, to me, […]

Terra Vitis- The First Ever Biodynamic Grape Planting Mix

Terra Vitis was developed after a decade of field trials by the staff at Fairhaven. This proprietary soilless mix contains Spagnum peat, organic compost, medium pine bark, and sand. The ratio of components are designed to assure a balance of excellent drainage and aeration in a wide range of native soil types. The most important […]