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  • Ed Jordan says:

    Seeking Advise and want to book plants for next winter planting. Most are out of stock per you website

    • admin says:

      We continually restock so please keep checking the website. What is it that you want?


  • James Harrington says:

    When will “Wine King” be back in stock?

  • Nancy says:

    Do you know where I can purchase a small quantity (< gallon) of calcium polysulfide also know as lime sulfur? I have 10 vines here in League City, TX which is close to Galveston. Anthracnose is one of my biggest problems. I wanted to try calcium polysulfide this year when I trim my vines in late January.

    • admin says:

      Sorry, that product is only available in Ag sized containers. Usually 2.5 gallon. The best bet would be to buy the standard container and see if another grower might share it with you. It is a violation of federal law to pour the product into an unlabeled container.
      Beware that is an aggressive product that requires understanding the label guidelines and proper PPE.


  • Bob WIckizer says:

    What is the rootstock for your Tempranillo?

    What would be the cost for 250 vines?

    • admin says:

      All of our vines are own-root. We do custom grafting on special orders only with an 18 month delivery date. Depending on the rootstock chosen the container grown grafted vines range in price from $9.89 to $11.75.
      The own root vines are $3.50.


  • Jim Fealy says:

    Do I need to pre-order for 35 Black Spanish Vines in March of 2018?

    • admin says:


      Because of the demand, we highly recommend that you book your order now. Contact the office at 903-769-4616to set it up.


  • Carol says:

    We would like to make an appointment to discuss vines.

  • Dan Boyer says:

    When do your Lenoir vines usually become available?

  • Mike Jackson says:


    I am Mike Jackson,I would like to purchase 1/4″ Polyethylene Dripline – Emitter Spacing : 6″ – Flow Rate : 0.5 GPH – Roll Length : 50′ – Color : Black,in your store/company i would be happy if you can get back to me again with the prices and dimensions you having available in a moment,and also do you take all types of Credit Cards as your payment required?Kindly get back to me here or on phone so that we will work together as one panther. All the best and stay blessed.


    • admin says:


      Your best bet would be to use standard netafim drip line or netafim drip tape. To my knowledge they don’t provide a tighter spacing for the built in emitters closer than 12”. If you absolutely have to have that 6” spacing run 2 lengths down the row alternating the emitter spacing.

      It’s far more cost effective and easier to install. Home Depot and Lowes sells that type of product, we don’t stock it.


  • SteveG says:

    Is “Mrs. Munson” another name for “Munson”, a.k.a. “Jaeger 70”, or is it a different cultivar?

    • admin says:

      Mrs. Munson is one of the “Neosho Hybrids” They are all Lincecumii X Rupestris crosses. Jaeger created some 100 (or so) selections of seedlings produced from both the Post Oak grape (Lincecumi) and the Rupestris grape so there is some subtle deferences between the varieties. We grown both the #70 and Mrs Munson and the foliage, fruit and morphology is definitely different. That having been said, the Mrs. Munson is most likely genetically synonymous with the Jaeger #70 just a different seedling selection.
      We also produce the Muench. The second and only other surviving Neosho Hybrid and, while its foliage is quite like the Mrs Munson, it has a perfect flower.
      Another difference between these three varieties is the fact that the #70 has only modest Pierces tolerance whereas, both the Mrs. Munson and the Muench, appear to be impervious to Pierces.

  • T says:


  • admin says:

    We have 2600 coming out of the 2018 production in the next 3 weeks. Please check the site for inventory updates. FVN

  • admin says:

    We have 950 Blanc Du Bois available now.


  • admin says:

    We have around 7000 coming out of production in the next three weeks or so. Please check the site for inventory updates. FVN

  • admin says:

    We have 850 Black Spanish Favorite available now.


  • admin says:

    We have 850 Tempranillo.


  • admin says:


    Sorry we are out of stock. We’ve purchased nearly all of the available stock (nation wide) and that’s already booked.


  • admin says:

    We have the Certified Grafted Albarino available in good numbers now. We recommend you post up your order now for spring shipping.


  • admin says:

    We will release a portion of the 2020’s around the first week of April 2021. We have a reserve stock of the 2019’s that we will post in February of 2021.
    What specific variety are you looking for?


  • admin says:


    We have plenty available around April 15.


  • admin says:

    Thank You! For the kind words.


  • admin says:

    We will have plenty of Nortons available around May 1. Chambourcin should be sellable about that time as well.


  • admin says:

    We currently have a booked order for 920. This order appears to be about to fail which means the 920 will be placed back into inventory. Please monitor the website for change in the count for the Albarino.


  • admin says:

    We will have Grafted Merlot FPS 15.1 20.1 both on 101-14 rootstock available around May 1. The Syrah is Certified FPS 09 on the 1103 rootstock. The Wholesale price is $14.50 shipping is additional. Please monitor the website inventory as that’s where we post availability.

  • admin says:


    Both the certified Merlot and Syrah are available now. The wholesale on these specialized vines is $15.50


  • admin says:

    Please monitor the website for availability that’s where we will post up availability around week 3 of April.


  • admin says:

    Sorry, Jason
    But we are completely sold out of the Albarinos.


  • admin says:


    We will have them in limited numbers around week 3 of June.


  • admin says:

    We are working on the 2021 crop now. Please check back with us in September.


  • admin says:

    We would recommend that you focus on varieties that will tolerate the winter temperatures in your area. The classes of grapes would be French American and American Hybrids.
    We are out of stock on our French Americans but we have several excellent American Hybrids available now. Those being Lomanto, Brilliant, Muench, and Mrs Munson. Another alternative for you would be our Riesling Emerald. Check this website and Amazon (Fairhaven Vine Nursery) for availability. You may order directly from either source.


  • admin says:


    We allocate our grafted vines beginning in late October 2021 for 2022 spring planting. Please check back with us around that time to book an order.


  • admin says:

    Absolutely. Heat isn’t an issue as long as you can supply irrigation water. You can any of the Vinifera grapes (Cabernet, Chardonnay, Merlot etc) there, or perhaps you might try one of the American Hybrids like the Lomanto.


  • admin says:

    We will have them in limited quantities in October. Our 2021 crop won’t be released until May of 2022.


  • admin says:

    Yes, depending on weather conditions late April to early May


  • admin says:

    Sorry but we don’t sell cuttings


  • admin says:

    Please contact us the first week of October and we will reserve the 8 Lomanto for you


  • admin says:

    Please check back with us toward the 3rd week of October. We will release the remainder of the 2020’s then.


  • admin says:

    Sorry but we don’t grown the Muscadine grape.


  • admin says:


    We should have Nortons ready to ship in spring 2022


  • admin says:

    We will be releasing the last 500 of the 2020 lenoirs around the end of November. Our spring production cycle shows availability of around 4000 for May of 2022.

    The only other varieties we would recommend are the Lomanto, Mrs Munson, or Muench.


  • admin says:

    Nitodal is under development. We a few we can sell. How man do you need?


  • admin says:

    Erik –
    You can order the Black Spanish ‘Favorite’ directly from the website. Just to be clear we have the hybrid ‘Favoite’. We are currently out of the standard Lenoir.


  • admin says:


    Okay on the 8 Nitodal. Shipping and contact info please.


  • admin says:

    We will be releasing the remainder of the 2020 Favorites around the end of November. Please monitor the inventory on the site for the updated quantity.


  • admin says:


    We have released 400 of the 2020 Favorites.


  • admin says:


    We will release the remainder of the 2020’s around the third week of November. Please monitor the site as we will post them as soon as we market them.


  • admin says:


    We have around 100 available now. The price is $7.95


  • admin says:


    We will release the 2021’s around April 30 2022. As soon as they are available they will be posted to inventory.


  • admin says:

    We will release the 2021 Blanc Du Bois around the 2nd week of April. Please monitor our website for updated inventory.



  • admin says:

    We will release the 2021 varieties around the end of April. Please monitor inventory as we post them up the same day of the release.


  • admin says:

    We will release around 25000 vines from the 2021 crop around the end of April.

    Pick ups are on Mondays and Wednesdays. All pick up orders are prepaid prior to the pick up date.


  • admin says:

    We will release the 2021 Lomanto around the end of April. Wholesale pricing is for 100 or more vines (-$1.00 off the web listed price). In state shipping is currently running around $2.38 per pound. Each vine weighs 1.3 pounds.


  • admin says:

    We will release the 2021 varieties (about 25000) around the end of April. Please monitor inventory as we post them up the same day of the release.


  • admin says:

    Yes. We will post up availability once the new foliage hardens off.


  • admin says:


    sorry but we don ship to europe.
